Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Red sofa

I'm working on a Trojan Hors cartoon which goes something like this...

FM -- The neighbors are really pissed that you ate their dog.
MrP-- If you're going to call a dog a Chocolate Lab you should expect the worst.

Gave it an initial shot but the artwork wasn't up to snuff.  Then I found this ...

And now I'm all fired up.

I like incorporating actual images into the strip.  Witness this ...

So I can see the Chocolate Lab strip taking place on the red sofa.  And that should be fun.

And just to explain the phrase "the artwork wasn't up to snuff", what I mean is that if I had my shit together, I'd have one of those electronic styli and special pads that would allow me to draw the strip as if I were drawing it with a pencil.  Which, believe me, would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Instead all I have is the same shitty apple mouse that comes with my computer.  And although you can do amazing things with a mouse and a computer, drawing line figures is not exactly one of them.

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